
Isabel Sanford (Weezy Jefferson)
Isabel "Weezy Jefferson" Sanford has officially been added to the list of past polluters. She kicked the bucket on July 9. Believe it or not, she was 86, so she was around 60 when The Jeffersons was still on. Her final episode of public polluting which was officially recorded, occured in Las Vegas in April 2000. She was using the bathroom in her room on the 5th floor of The Excaliber. Apparently the room ventilation system, which was ceiling mounted, was designed for odors from average people only. It failed to clear the odor which was heavier then air. Several guests and two hotel employees on two floors below her room became ill and the hotel manager cleared remaining guests from those areas until determining the source of the odor and properly ventilating and cleaning the areas. The hotel superintendant said "The ventilation system was working properly, but it really wasn't designed to handle something like that at all. It really was a very, very bad situation, which could have been much worse if more guests had been in their rooms. We will be taking steps to improve our [ventilation system]. " This is one of only a small handful of known reports "List Quarterly" has ever recorded in which persons became ill two floors away from the polluter. Source : "List Quarterly" Summer 2000 issue.